Thursday, October 21, 2010

Lil Steph woo hoooo!

for me Lil STeph is the best dancer ever, really like how she moves...

Monday, October 18, 2010

Tari Saman

Saya tertarik untuk membahas mengenai tarian daerah dari Aceh yaitu Tari Saman.. Dulu saya sempat juga mempelajari tarian ini saat SMA dan sempat mengikuti perlombaan tari saman antar SMA..

mungkin msh ada yang belum begitu tau, apa sih sebenarnya tari saman itu?

Tari Saman adalah sebuah tarian adat yang biasa ditampilkan untuk merayakan peristiwa-peristiwa penting dalam adat dan masyarakat Aceh. Syair dalam tarian Saman mempergunakan bahasa Arab dan bahasa Gayo. erakanSelain itu biasanya tarian ini juga ditampilkan untuk merayakan kelahiran Nabi Muhammad SAW. Nama tarian "Saman" diperoleh dari salah satu ulama besar NAD, Syech Saman.

Makna dan Fungsi

Tari saman merupakan salah satu media untuk pencapaian pesan (Dakwah). Tarian ini mencerminkan Pendidikan, Keagamaan, sopan santun, kepahlawanan, kekompakan dan kebersamaan.

Sebelum saman dimulai yaitu sebagai mukaddimah atau pembukaan, tampil seorang tua cerdik pandai atau pemuka adat untuk mewakili masyarakat setempat (keketar) atau nasehat-nasehat yang berguna kepada para pemain dan penonton.

Lagu dan syair pengungkapannya secara bersama dan kontinu, pemainnya terdiri dari pria-pria yang masih muda-muda dengan memakai pakaian adat. Penyajian tarian tersebut dapat juga dipentaskan, dipertandingkan antara group tamu dengan group sepangkalan ( dua group ). Penilaian ditititk beratkan pada kemampuan masing-masing group dalam mengikuti gerak, tari dan lagu (syair) yang disajikan oleh pihak lawan.


Nyanyian para penari menambah kedinamisan dari tarian saman. Dimana cara menyanyikan lagu-lagu dalam tari saman dibagi dalam 5 macam :

1. Rengum, yaitu auman yang diawali oleh pengangkat.
2. Dering, yaitu regnum yang segera diikuti oleh semua penari.
3. Redet, yaitu lagu singkat dengan suara pendek yang dinyanyikan oleh seorang penari pada bagian tengah tari.
4. Syek, yaitu lagu yang dinyanyikan oleh seorang penari dengan suara panjang tinggi melengking, biasanya sebagai tanda perubahan gerak
5. Saur, yaitu lagu yang diulang bersama oleh seluruh penari setelah dinyanyikan oleh penari solo


Tarian saman menggunakan dua unsur gerak yang menjadi unsur dasar dalam tarian saman: Tepuk tangan dan tepuk dada.Diduga,ketika menyebarkan agama islam,syeikh saman mempelajari tarian melayu kuno,kemudian menghadirkan kembali lewat gerak yang disertai dengan syair-syair dakwah islam demi memudakan dakwahnya.Dalam konteks kekinian,tarian ritual yang bersifat religius ini masih digunakan sebagai media untuk menyampaikan pesan-pesan dakwah melalui pertunjukan-pertunjukan.

Tarian saman termasuk salah satu tarian yang cukup unik,kerena hanya menampilkan gerak tepuk tangan gerakan-gerakan lainnya, seperti gerak guncang,kirep,lingang,surang-saring (semua gerak ini adalah bahasa Gayo)

Nah, biar lebih jelas bagaimana Tari Saman itu, silahkan tonton video dibawah ini ya :)

(source by:

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Lstars is back :)

tanggal 15 oktober kemarin, setelah vakum beberapa bulan akhirnya saya bisa tampil lagi bareng temen2 lstars dan sstars di acara re-launching LSPR tv.. Alhamdullilah berjalan lancar walaupun saya cm bisa ikutan latihan 2 hari tp untungnya koreo baru gak banyak jd bs kekejar :) thx buat semua crew LSPR tv yaaaa........

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Basic of Ballet Techniques

5 ballet position:

First position - feet well rotated in 'turn-out', touching heels. Make as straight an alignment as possible. Knees are touching with legs straight.

Second position - feet turned out along a straight line like first position, but heels are apart.

Third position - feet are aligned to turn-out, but with one foot to the front with heel close to the arch of the back foot.

Fourth position - feet turned out as in first position, with heel of one
foot is placed close to the toe of other foot, so that the legs are crossed. Feet about a foot apart to the front.

Fifth position - as fourth, with feet together

How to do a great Jazz Pirouette:

A 'pirouette' is a controlled turn on one leg, beginning with one (or both) legs in pli�, and then rising onto pointe (or demi-pointe for men). The other leg can be held in either retir� position, attitude, arabesque level or in second position.

Often a pirouette will return to starting position, or finish in arabesque or attitude positions, or proceed otherwise.

DID YOU KNOW? The record for most pirouttes done at one time is 36 rotations!

(source by:

Friday, October 15, 2010


L Stars gak kerasa udah 2 tahun... banyak banget pengalaman berharga yang saya udah dapet. kalau semua anak-anak Lstars angkatan saya ditanya momen apa yang paling gak bisa dilupain? pasti semuanya jawab "KELAPA GADING" hehehehe....
gak gampang banget nyatuin pikiran buat jadi kompak, kalo mau lomba atau perform pasti ada aja masalahhh.... kadang cape banget atau kesel banget, tapi gak lama pasti seneng lagi karena pasti ada hal-hal yang ngebuat kita jd kompak lagi. semoga kita semua tetep bisa kompak dan gak akan lupa kalo udah gede nanti kalo dulu kita pernah nari bareng2 kayak gini.... love youuu L....

Thursday, October 14, 2010


satu lagi muncul fim dance dan lumayan menyita perhatian penonton terutama buat yang suka dance...
kalo film2 dance sebelumnya lebih suka nampilin aliran HipHop, di film Street Dance ini beda dari yang lain karena berani mengkombinasikan HipHop dengan Ballet...

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

7 Tips To Master Salsa Dancing

"7 Tips To Master Salsa Dancing"

Although the tipss and techniques you are learning are numbered
I must say that they are NOT in any particular order. Please
remember that as you go through this, they are ALL very, very
important in order to truly master salsa dancing.

Tip #1:
You Have To Find The Beat

The first tip we are considering is "Finding The Beat". It
doesn't matter if you dance On 1, On 2, Rueda, whatever... if you
do not find the beat, you will not look good on the dance floor.


A lot of dancers think that by learning a ton of shines (foot-
work) and spins, or partnerwork, that this is all they need.

But your dancing has to be on the beat. Otherwise it will
look like a mess!

When you find the beat, you are able to synchronize your steps
to the music. When this happens, the music and the dance
literally become one.

Have you ever seen a dancer that seems to have complete mastery
of the dance? How did you feel when you saw that person on the
dance floor? How do you think his or her partner felt dancing
with that person? How do you think other people looking at the
person felt?

When you see someone that has mastered any particular dance, it
is almost like magic.

Another advantage of finding the beat is that you can shave-off
and literally slash a lot of time from your learning curve.

Once you have a firm understanding of the beat and know how to
find it, you can master new moves a lot faster.

Ok, so I know you're probably wondering:

"How do I find the beat?"

Well we'll get into that a little bit later...

But remember...

This is absolutely critical! In fact, I cannot stress this enough
but let's continue with Tip #2...

Tip #2:

When I speak of attitude, I speak of the vibes that you give off
when you go salsa dancing.

People are attracted to good energy, and this is the same in any
social situation. This means that it doesn't matter if you are
at the grocery store, at the car wash, at work, at school, in
salsa class, or at a salsa club...

...people are attracted to confidence, good posture, and a person
who seems to be in control is someone who is regarded as an
attractive person...

Think about it. What's more attractive out of the two following

Scenario #1: There's a guy at the club, and he's kind of slouched
over, looks tired, not very confident in the way he dances. He
has a bit of trouble asking you to dance...


Scenario #2: Same club, but now here's another guy who is stand-
ing up straight, gives off a sense of confidence, extremely
confident in his dance...

I think you'd agree that the choice is clear. And this is what
I mean about "Attitude". Dancing is just like any other social
situation, and attitude goes a long way.

You MUST feel comfortable with yourself. You MUST feel good and
confident with your dancing skills. The way you look out on the
dance floor has a lot to do with a good attitude on your part.

WARNING: Do NOT confuse "Attitude" with being conceited!
Nothing looks worse than someone who tries to be better than
everyone else.

The key here is to be humble.

Let your dancing do the talking for you. Believe me there is
nothing more powerful than a person who is obviously great at
what they do, but are humble about it!

Now to gain confidence on the dance floor, and to help you
achieve a winning attitude that attracts people around you, you
have to feel very comfortable with every aspect of salsa dancing

The first secret we discussed was "Finding The Beat" and let me
tell you...

Nothing prepares you to attain a high level of confidence, and
overcome your fears and frustrations, like "Finding The Beat".

But like I said, we'll go into this one Tip again a little later.

Now just by using these first 2 secrets you'll be way ahead
...but wait, there's still more!

Why is it important to give yourself an edge to the other
salsa dancers? Are you in a competition? Are you winning

Well let's face it. Salsa dancing is a social dance. Even if
you don't want to compete at a professional level, you are
competing for the attention of others!

Let's be real. You may go out to simply relax and distract your-
self. Or you may be doing it to meet new people. Or just to
have fun.

Whatever reason you have for going salsa dancing, you won't be
having any fun at all if all you're doing is sitting down and not
participating in all the dancing!

Once you do start dancing though, you want to show that you have
skills, otherwise, people will just NOT want to dance with you

Would you really want to dance with someone if you
don't feel comfortable with how they dance?

So really, you are competing for a prize, the prize of respect,
admiration, better socializing life, meeting new people, and
everything else that comes with a social activity like Salsa dancing.

NEXT -- In 2 days I will post the following:

Tip #3 - Know Your Role
When you learn to apply this tip you will
find out how to keep complete synergy at the

Tip #4 - Hand Coordination
When you apply this tip, you will always
be able to maintain your balance regardless
of how complex a pattern is.

And Still Coming Up In A Few More Days:

Tip #5 - Eye Contact

Tip #6 - Comfort and Safety

Tip #7 - How To Find The Beat

(source by :

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

'Step Up 3d' trailer

can't wait any longer to watch this movie.....

Synopsis: When the Maryland School of the Arts (MSA) goes to Paris for an international dance competition, one of the dancers - Moose (Adam G. Sevani) - misses his flight back to Baltimore. He soon makes friends with an American away from home and a beautiful French sophisticate. They introduce Moose to the red-hot Parisian underground dance scene, and before long he is wowing the local dancers with his unique moves as they prepare for an underground dance competition. With time running out before the big event and their routine stolen by a rival crew, Moose turns to his loyal MSA crew in Baltimore for help. Can Moose, the MSA crew and the French crew pull together a new dance number at the last minute? And will it be good enough to beat the world’s best street dancers?

(source by: